PRP Hair Restoration Procedure: A Promising Breakthrough Method to Your Hair Regrow

Home / PRP Hair Restoration Procedure: A Promising Breakthrough Method to Your Hair Regrow

Every day, the typical person loses 50 to 100 hairs. This is common and typically unnoticeable since your hair grows back rapidly. If you notice that you are losing hair more quickly, you may suffer from significant hair loss caused by a medical or genetic disease. You have visible hair loss when you lose more hair than your scalp can replace. Men may have bald spots or thin patches, while women may experience thinning hair or a receding hairline.

When you lose your hair, it affects your confidence and self-esteem. However, it can be fixed when newer and more effective hair restoration therapies become available. This might be the case with PRP treatments—and it could be your best option.

Let’s talk about PRP therapy, how it works, who this procedure is ideal for, and what it can do for you.

What is the PRP Procedure?

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” This process consists of three simple stages. To begin, blood is usually obtained from the arm. After that, the blood is centrifuged to separate it into three layers: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the separated blood, and the remainder is discarded. After that, the PRP is injected into your scalp and hair follicles.

As you can see, this is a more natural method of promoting hair regeneration for non-surgical hair since it just employs your organic materials.

The PRP process is usually repeated every four to six weeks thrice, with maintenance performed every four to six months to ensure minimal hair loss.

PRP treatment is still in clinical trials and is relatively new to medicine. Yet, this therapy is becoming increasingly beneficial not just for hair regeneration but also for muscular problems.

What Is the Process of PRP Hair Restoration Therapy?

The plasma injected during the PRP therapy works quickly to mend your scalp surrounding the hair follicles. Platelet-rich plasma encourages healing by raising the number of reparative cells in the afflicted region of your body. Growth factors are natural compounds the body produces to combat aging or other harm. Research on pigs found that growth factors from PRP are much higher in concentrated locations than in native blood plasma.

In scientific research by authorized dermatologists, 81% of individuals with androgenic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness) who got PRP therapy saw decreased hair loss.

The PRP technique has made progress in laboratory studies, and it also helps injuries heal quicker in other sections of the body. This mouse study by orthopedic surgeons discovered that PRP treatment has the potential to reduce injury healing time significantly.

Who Is PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Intended For?

Although PRP therapy has the potential to generate beneficial effects in many individuals suffering from hair loss, the process has benefited some people more than others.

  • PRP hair loss therapy is suitable for both sexes. Many hair loss remedies are targeted at males. However, many women also suffer hair loss.
  • Individuals with hair loss and androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male/female pattern baldness, are ideal candidates for this therapy. Androgenic alopecia is a genetic disorder that affects the United States; there are around 50 million males and 30 million women.
  • Individuals who have just started experiencing fast hair loss may benefit from this therapy. Yet, the longer the problem goes untreated, the more difficult it is to fix.

Under some situations, however, the PRP process may not function as effectively (if at all) for you:

  • You have underlying disorders causing your hair loss, such as lupus. This is a chronic illness, and aesthetic treatment may not alleviate symptoms like hair loss over time.
  • Your hormones are out of balance, which thyroid issues might cause. This is usually addressed with various drugs rather than hair growth therapy or surgery. Several medications may help with hair loss.
  • You are taking blood thinners. Blood thinners impair the effectiveness of your platelets and are unlikely to repair your scalp or stimulate hair growth.

What Can the PRP Hair Restoration Process Do for You?

If you are deemed a great candidate for the PRP process, this therapy might offer several long-term benefits. What exactly are these advantages? Let’s go through some of them.

  • You may notice a loss of balding or thinning patches, and your hairline may begin to recover.
  • Thin areas of hair on your head may grow thicker and more abundant.
  • Your self-esteem may skyrocket when any troublesome spots go away.
  • The PRP technique may have long-term results with minimum upkeep, allowing you to focus less on your difficulties.

What to Do If You Want to Get PRP Hair Restoration for Hair Loss

If the notion of PRP treatment appeals to you, don’t be afraid to explore it by speaking with a professional dermatologist about the process.

Initially, any underlying reasons should be checked out. Tests may be performed to evaluate if a hormonal imbalance is causing your hair loss. If this is the case, alternative drugs may be sufficient to manage the condition without requiring this treatment.

After that, you should notify your dermatologist about your medical history, any medicines you are taking, and whether you have a history of excessive smoking, alcoholism, or drug addiction. This will establish whether or not the therapy is safe and effective for you.

If you are still a candidate for PRP therapy after this, you should contact your insurance company to check whether it is covered or if you will have to pay out of cash. While PRP for hair loss is often considered aesthetic non-surgical hair restoration because it includes PRP injections, some insurance companies may not produce the charges.

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