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Treatment options for receding hairlines can range from surgical to non-surgical solutions for hair loss. These consist of:

  • FUE hair implantation
  • Minoxidil (Rogaine®) foam, 2% Finasteride (Propecia®), and Nizoral® shampoo
  • Laser Hair Removal

Treatment for receding hairline

You could feel like time is passing too quickly as you watch your hairline regress. There is hope if you have male pattern baldness and your temples are receding and your formerly full head of hair is gradually losing hair. Dr. Galope is a highly accomplished and well-known doctor who specializes in hairline restoration.

He is recognized for his ability to combine science and art to give his patients receding hairlines outcomes that are incredibly natural and virtually invisible. He actually stands out because of his artistry and attention to detail. Make an appointment with Dr. Galope.

Dr. Galope assesses your particular situation at your initial session, taking into account a number of variables in order to produce the most practical outcomes. His research will be used to help create a personalized treatment plan for your receding hairline. These elements consist of:

  • You are
  • Your natural hairline
  • Your hair’s thickness
  • Your unique loss pattern Your donor hair availability
  • Your hair’s condition
  • The peculiarities of your hair
  • Your face’s shape
  • Your long-term goals

Unnoticeable is the aim of a hairline transplant.

The objective is to as closely as possible return your hairline to its natural state. Because it isn’t actually a line at all, the repair appears natural. Dr. Galope carefully removes single follicular units, each of which contains one to four hairs. The removed hair follicles are then separated out and divided into groups of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs. Then, he implants tiny single hairs that closely resemble the natural patterns on your head.

Gradually, these develop into thicker, fuller grafts that are merged into the hairline. This results in a pattern of natural hair regrowth that makes it difficult to tell which hairs are transplanted and which are already present. Hairline restoration is elevated to the level of fine art as a result of this pursuit of perfection.

It’s in your best interest to address the temple recession as soon as possible. You may preserve your hair in a variety of methods, and I urge you to use these sensible tactics. In this blog post, you can learn more about temple recession and early hair loss.

Make an appointment with him right now to go over a frontal hair loss treatment strategy that will work best for your particular situation.

The Science Behind CoolSculpting

April 25, 2023 | Health & Beauty | No Comments

We strive to obtain our ideal physique and put up a lot of effort to do so. But despite rigorous exercise and a careful diet, our obstinate fat bulges continue to torment us. Our fat cells are largely fixed during our childhood and adolescent years, and they hardly alter as we age.

Everyone had a unique body, and these diet-resistant fat deposits targeted different people in various bodily regions. Some people have noticeable belly fat bulges, while others have excess fat on their necks or shoulders. Imagine if you could eliminate these fat cells by freezing them.

Using CoolSculpting, you can get the body of your dreams. This is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure to remove all of the obstinate, unwelcome body fat. Simple, quick, and with no downtime required, the process.

Continue reading if you want to learn more about this cutting-edge fat-freezing technology. Let’s examine the science behind and advantages of the CoolSculpting procedure.

What advantages does the CoolSculpting procedure offer?

A non-surgical procedure called CoolSculpting employs carefully regulated chilling to freeze the fat cells in your body. It is a fantastic procedure to give your body a sculpted and contoured appearance. This non-invasive fat reduction uses cutting-edge technology that is quick, simple, and painless. You can see changes in the shapes of your body with no side effects and safe handling.

The procedure targets resistant and obstinate fat cells. You don’t need to undergo a difficult procedure like liposuction to get rid of your excess body fat; all that is needed is for the fat cells to be frozen off your body. CoolSculpting accentuates the natural curves of your body and minimizes undesirable bulges, so the results don’t look fake. The procedure just takes 35 minutes and has a long-lasting effect.

Clinical studies have shown that CoolSculpting is effective for many men and women who desire to get rid of stubborn fat deposits on their bodies. The FDA has approved this remedy.

What Is the Process of CoolSculpting?

It’s critical to comprehend how the undesirable fat freezes and is eliminated by your body before beginning the procedure.

Your body’s particular fat bulges are targeted and isolated by an applicator, which then exposes the fat cells to a perfectly controlled cooling. The underlying fat cells are frozen as a result of the chilling that permeates the skin. The body gradually gets rid of the frozen fat cells once they have been frozen to death. You immediately notice a change in your physique as a result.

CRYOLIPOLYSIS: Technology of Fat Freezing

Cryolipolysis is a technique used in the cold sculpting process. Cryo stands for cold-induced, lipo for fat cells and lysis for cell elimination. This treatment’s name very much captures what it is all about.

Harvard scientists were the ones who first discover the ground-breaking fat-freezing method. Their discovery that fat is more susceptible to cold than skin cells served as the basis for this study. Water makes up the majority of your skin cells.

What happens if a stick of butter and a glass of water are placed in a refrigerator? Despite staying cold, the water in the glass won’t change in composition, only getting colder. However, because of the cold, the butter undergoes a compositional shift and becomes solid.

This idea explains how fat cells beneath the skin can be frozen during cold sculpting to eliminate fat. First, carefully controlled cooling is applied to the bulge of resistant fat. The fat cells lying beneath are frozen by the cold as it permeates through the overlying skin. The flexible membrane of the fat cells will tear as a result, making the fat cells rigid.

Your fat cells cannot store fat if they lack a membrane. Your body will automatically start the process to gather and break down damaged cells. Apoptosis is the term for this process. Your body may need a few weeks to collect the damaged frozen cells, which can then leave your body as waste through the liver.

Even while cool sculpting is a very straightforward procedure, there are still many unanswered questions. To help you make decisions, we have compiled a list of all the most often-asked questions concerning the cool sculpting procedure for fat removal.

What regions of the body does CoolSculpting treat?

The undesirable bulges and fat pockets can be frozen away in pretty much any place on your body with this procedure. The abdomen for reducing belly fat and the hips for reducing flanks or love handles are two of the most often treated body parts. Many people also utilize this procedure on their necks to reduce bra bulges and armpit fat.

Additionally, you can freeze fat in your upper arms, chest, and inner and outer thighs. To lessen the look of banana rolls, you can also freeze the fat below your hips.

What to anticipate following treatment?

various folks experience various outcomes. However, the majority of people notice visible benefits after eight to 18 weeks. The frozen fat cells do not regrow once they leave your body. With CoolSculpting, undesirable fat is permanently removed. You get long-lasting effects and a natural aesthetic by doing this.

It’s typical to experience side effects like redness, soreness, or swelling in the targeted locations when the fat cells begin to leave your body. In a few weeks, all of these symptoms should go gone on their own.

Give us a call right away if you wish to have a CoolSculpting. If this operation is right for your needs, we can assist you to decide. We can guide you in regenerating your skin. Make an appointment with us right now to discuss all of your choices (201) 228-3200.

Every day, the typical person loses 50 to 100 hairs. This is common and typically unnoticeable since your hair grows back rapidly. If you notice that you are losing hair more quickly, you may suffer from significant hair loss caused by a medical or genetic disease. You have visible hair loss when you lose more hair than your scalp can replace. Men may have bald spots or thin patches, while women may experience thinning hair or a receding hairline.

When you lose your hair, it affects your confidence and self-esteem. However, it can be fixed when newer and more effective hair restoration therapies become available. This might be the case with PRP treatments—and it could be your best option.

Let’s talk about PRP therapy, how it works, who this procedure is ideal for, and what it can do for you.

What is the PRP Procedure?

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” This process consists of three simple stages. To begin, blood is usually obtained from the arm. After that, the blood is centrifuged to separate it into three layers: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the separated blood, and the remainder is discarded. After that, the PRP is injected into your scalp and hair follicles.

As you can see, this is a more natural method of promoting hair regeneration for non-surgical hair since it just employs your organic materials.

The PRP process is usually repeated every four to six weeks thrice, with maintenance performed every four to six months to ensure minimal hair loss.

PRP treatment is still in clinical trials and is relatively new to medicine. Yet, this therapy is becoming increasingly beneficial not just for hair regeneration but also for muscular problems.

What Is the Process of PRP Hair Restoration Therapy?

The plasma injected during the PRP therapy works quickly to mend your scalp surrounding the hair follicles. Platelet-rich plasma encourages healing by raising the number of reparative cells in the afflicted region of your body. Growth factors are natural compounds the body produces to combat aging or other harm. Research on pigs found that growth factors from PRP are much higher in concentrated locations than in native blood plasma.

In scientific research by authorized dermatologists, 81% of individuals with androgenic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness) who got PRP therapy saw decreased hair loss.

The PRP technique has made progress in laboratory studies, and it also helps injuries heal quicker in other sections of the body. This mouse study by orthopedic surgeons discovered that PRP treatment has the potential to reduce injury healing time significantly.

Who Is PRP Hair Restoration Therapy Intended For?

Although PRP therapy has the potential to generate beneficial effects in many individuals suffering from hair loss, the process has benefited some people more than others.

  • PRP hair loss therapy is suitable for both sexes. Many hair loss remedies are targeted at males. However, many women also suffer hair loss.
  • Individuals with hair loss and androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male/female pattern baldness, are ideal candidates for this therapy. Androgenic alopecia is a genetic disorder that affects the United States; there are around 50 million males and 30 million women.
  • Individuals who have just started experiencing fast hair loss may benefit from this therapy. Yet, the longer the problem goes untreated, the more difficult it is to fix.

Under some situations, however, the PRP process may not function as effectively (if at all) for you:

  • You have underlying disorders causing your hair loss, such as lupus. This is a chronic illness, and aesthetic treatment may not alleviate symptoms like hair loss over time.
  • Your hormones are out of balance, which thyroid issues might cause. This is usually addressed with various drugs rather than hair growth therapy or surgery. Several medications may help with hair loss.
  • You are taking blood thinners. Blood thinners impair the effectiveness of your platelets and are unlikely to repair your scalp or stimulate hair growth.

What Can the PRP Hair Restoration Process Do for You?

If you are deemed a great candidate for the PRP process, this therapy might offer several long-term benefits. What exactly are these advantages? Let’s go through some of them.

  • You may notice a loss of balding or thinning patches, and your hairline may begin to recover.
  • Thin areas of hair on your head may grow thicker and more abundant.
  • Your self-esteem may skyrocket when any troublesome spots go away.
  • The PRP technique may have long-term results with minimum upkeep, allowing you to focus less on your difficulties.

What to Do If You Want to Get PRP Hair Restoration for Hair Loss

If the notion of PRP treatment appeals to you, don’t be afraid to explore it by speaking with a professional dermatologist about the process.

Initially, any underlying reasons should be checked out. Tests may be performed to evaluate if a hormonal imbalance is causing your hair loss. If this is the case, alternative drugs may be sufficient to manage the condition without requiring this treatment.

After that, you should notify your dermatologist about your medical history, any medicines you are taking, and whether you have a history of excessive smoking, alcoholism, or drug addiction. This will establish whether or not the therapy is safe and effective for you.

If you are still a candidate for PRP therapy after this, you should contact your insurance company to check whether it is covered or if you will have to pay out of cash. While PRP for hair loss is often considered aesthetic non-surgical hair restoration because it includes PRP injections, some insurance companies may not produce the charges.

Hair Loss and Microneedling

November 30, 2022 | Health & Beauty | No Comments

Microneedling has been used with promising results to help people with alopecia areata, a type of hair loss that doesn’t leave scars, or grow their hair back.

Non-scarring alopecia is hair loss in its early stages when hair follicles are shrinking but not yet dead.

Tiny channels are made across the scalp by using a dermal roller or a pen to do micro needling. This technique increases blood flow, stimulates growth factors, and can bring blood back to the hair follicles.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or Minoxidil can be used with scalp microneedling (an over-the-counter drug used topically to stimulate hair growth).

Microneedling has been used in a lot of studies to make hair grow. In 2005, the Annals of Dermatology published a study on mice in which a dermal roller was used on the skin once a week for a few weeks, and hair grew back over the treated area.

In May 2021, Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigative Dermatology published a more recent study. One hundred people were put into two groups: those who got microneedling with Minoxidil and those who just got Minoxidil.

At the end of the study, 82% of the people in the microneedling group said that their hair loss had improved by more than 50%, while only 4.5% of the people in the control group said the same thing.

What makes hair fall out?

  • Hereditary: This type of hair loss is called a “male pattern” in men and shows up as a receding hairline or a bald spot. For women, the first sign of hair loss can be thinning all over or a part that gets wider. Androgenic alopecia is the name for both male and female hair loss that is caused by genes.
  • Age: As you get older, your hair growth may slow down, and sometimes the hair follicles will go away.
  • Alopecia areata is a medical condition that can cause you to lose hair in patches and then all over your body. Hair loss can happen all over the body. Alopecia areata is a disease in which the immune system attacks hair follicles and kills them.
  • Stress, giving birth, and changes in hormones can also lead to hair loss.
  • Infections, such as bacterial, fungal, dermatitis or plaque psoriasis infections of the scalp, can cause hair loss.
  • Scarring alopecia is a condition in which inflammation kills hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out. In this case, however, the hair follicles can’t grow back.
  • Diet: A bad diet that doesn’t have enough biotin, zinc, iron, and protein can cause a lot of hair loss.


A doctor needs to look at a person’s medical history, thyroid function, family history of alopecia, and possible infections in order to diagnose hair loss.

Most of the time, hair growth can be helped by treating the underlying medical condition.

Dr. Galope has been using microneedling and PRP to help hair grow back in Bergen County Hair Loss.

Learn More Here.

Different Ways To Treat Hair Loss

October 11, 2022 | Health & Beauty | No Comments

Having a full head of healthy hair shows that you are young, strong, and full of life. It’s important to many men’s sense of self-worth. In all cultures, a full head of thick hair has always been seen as a sign of beauty in women. It’s normal for both men and women to look into hair loss treatments because we all want to look as good as possible. It’s not vain or shallow to want a full head of hair, and it’s natural to want to do something to stop or reverse hair loss.

Dr. Galope and the rest of the team at Bergen County Hair Loss are committed to open communication, patient education, individual care, and finding effective solutions for hair loss that are right for you. Together, we’ll find and use the best treatment for your hair loss. Set up a meeting to find out more.

Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Many things can be done to stop hair loss. On this site, you can learn a lot about each one. The two main types of surgery are:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants
  • Follicular unit transection (FUT) harvest

Some alternatives to surgery are:

  • Rogaine (Minoxidil) and Finasteride are examples of medicines that can help (Propecia)
  • Laser therapy at a low level

Focusing on Individuality

We know how frustrating it is to lose your hair and how it can make you feel. We started this clinic to give you safe, effective ways to get your hair back so you can feel like yourself again. We are experts at Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation, which is a way to replace hair with the least amount of damage. Low Level Laser Therapy and other medical therapies are used in addition to the main treatment (LLLT).

Find Out More!

There are many clinics all over the country that offer treatment for hair loss. Before anyone touches a single hair on your head, you should find out:

  • Is the doctor certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)?
  • Is the doctor a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery?
  • Does the doctor belong to the American College of Surgeons as a Fellow?
  • Do you actually talk to the doctor, or do you talk to a sales team?

The web can be hard to understand. Make sure you know a lot about your hair transplant surgeon and his or her team before you hire them. We are sure that once you do, you will choose Dr. Galope. In the meantime, check out the great things that our patients have said about us.

Can PRP Therapy Solve Hair Loss?

September 14, 2022 | Health & Beauty | No Comments

Another pass with the hairbrush, another handful of strands, and still another area of the scalp that is clearly visible. This scenario is likely all too familiar to you if you are one of the 80 million adults in the United States who struggle from androgenetic alopecia, often known as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.

Losing your hair may be a devastating experience, particularly in terms of your self-confidence and ability to interact socially. According to the findings of one study, approximately 29% of women who are experiencing hair loss also exhibit signs of sadness. According to the findings of another source, male pattern baldness can cause an “enormous emotional load.”

A novel natural approach, on the other hand, may provide patients who have exhausted all other options hope for hair restoration without resorting to surgery, medications, or topical ointments. Platelet-rich plasma injections, also known as PRP injections, are an innovative method that involves the use of the patient’s own blood platelets. Platelets are a type of cell that promotes healing all throughout the body and can be used to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair.

Although platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) for hair restoration is a relatively new operation, it could be an option to help you look and feel more like yourself again.

How does PRP work?

Loss of hair can occur at any point during maturity, despite the fact that it is commonly connected with aging and heredity. The process of balding happens when the hair follicles, which are little sacs that anchor individual hairs to the scalp, begin to shrink. This makes it possible for the hair to fall out, which results in balding.

PRP has been used by medical professionals in the field of sports medicine to assist in the healing of musculoskeletal and tendon injuries. Research indicates that injecting the platelets that are found in a patient’s blood and activating growth factors can boost the blood supply to a patient’s hair follicles and raise the thickness of their hair shafts when treating hair loss in patients.

Prior to doing PRP therapy, we will get down with you to discuss the expectations that are reasonable. It is feasible to improve the health of your hair and increase its thickness, as shown in a number of studies that have been peer-reviewed. We will also discuss lifestyle changes that can have an effect on hair loss, such as giving up smoking and eating a diet that is supplemented with vitamin D and iron, which are two minerals that might help support hair development.

The entire process takes fewer than thirty minutes to complete. We are going to take a sample of your blood and then put it through a centrifuge so that we can separate the platelets. After that, it will be removed and injected into the areas of your scalp that are thinning or balding. The majority of patients report experiencing only mild discomfort, if any at all, and are able to go back to work the next day.

Patients are required to come back for another injection once every month for the first three months, and then once every three to six months after that.

The treatment requires the use of your own blood, and there is only a small chance of complications. Bleeding, hematoma, infection, and nerve injury are all possible dangers, but they are extremely remote possibilities. PRP should not be administered to patients who are using anticoagulants, as well as patients who have an active scalp infection, chronic liver illness, or a low platelet count.

Is PRP useful for treating hair loss in patients?

We are currently in the process of collecting long-term data to understand the prospects of new and maintained hair regrowth using PRP, which is similar to the process that is required for any unique technique. In today’s world, it is possible for patients to combine PRP injection therapy with other therapies for hair loss, such as medicine.

There is growing evidence from clinical trials that suggest PRP can benefit people who are experiencing hair loss. The majority of studies that have been conducted using PRP have reported following up with patients for a period of up to six months after their surgery. We have minimal data after that time, but ongoing studies can tell us which patients benefit the most from PRP, which ones do not, and why.

Having said that, patients who consult with the board-certified staff at Bergen County Hair Loss have reported feeling content with the outcomes of their procedures. We hope that as we learn more about this fascinating new therapy, we will be able to assist patients who are experiencing hair loss in achieving their objectives through the use of a treatment plan that incorporates PRP.

Call (973) 281-4033 or submit an online appointment request to speak with a plastic surgeon about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for hair loss.

Path to Happiness with CBD

July 11, 2022 | Health & Beauty | No Comments

Was there a period in your life when you were optimistic about the world?

It is possible to determine the health of your Endocannabinoid System by asking this simple question Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, was discovered by Israeli researchers in 1992, and this discovery led to the identification of its healing effects.

Understand the Endocannabinoid System, What is Its Purpose?

Emotions are just one of the functions of the Endocannabinoid System. This system consists of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. The hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum, and basal ganglia all contain cannabinoid receptors, also known as G-coupled receptors. It’s fascinating to note that pharmaceutical medications work using the same method.

A total of five receptor types were discovered. Currently, CB1 is found in the brain, and neurological system, CB2 in the immunological and nervous system, and CB3-5 are still being studied.

Anandamide (arachidonoyl ethanolamide), often known as the bliss molecule, and 2-AG are the two naturally occurring chemicals that activate receptors (arachidonoyl glycerol). These chemicals are found in the brain, spleen, heart, and uterus. On the other hand, phytocannabinoids are plant-based chemicals that have a distinct effect on the human body.

What does the term “cannabidiol” mean?

A chemical found in the Cannabis plant called Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most common active component after THC. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), on the other hand, has been shown to have addictive and habit-forming potential. CBD, on the other hand, has been found to offer numerous medical advantages.

Recognizing and Addressing Unmet Demands

The body uses pain, anxiety, and inflammation as defense mechanisms against long-term damage and trauma. An unbalanced body reacts by exhibiting symptoms, which in theory will lead to a change in behavior.

Through the use of CBD, anandamide and 2-AG levels can be increased, resulting in a state of equilibrium. This aids in the control of pain, hence reducing pain perception and elevating mood. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may help persons with anxiety, sleeplessness, and other neuropathic diseases by decreasing inflammation in the brain and nervous system.

Take-In Procedure

The bioavailability, or speed at which a chemical enters your system, determines how to best use CBD. You should remember that quicker molecules are more likely to be expelled from your system.

Vaping and smoking provide the fastest alleviation since the molecule enters the lungs immediately and quickly distributes throughout the body. Those who suffer from a lot of anxiety will benefit from this. Two hours is a typical duration of action.

CBD Oils are the following delivery method to consider. Sublingual placement of the drops is the preferred method of administration (under the tongue). After around 15 minutes, you’ll feel the effects, lasting anywhere from 4 to 6 hours.

Gel caps take the longest to absorb since they must pass through the digestive system first. Although it just takes an hour to complete, the effects can last up to ten hours. This is the most significant sleep aid for those unable to fall or stay asleep due to insomnia.

CBD can be taken in various ways, from bath bombs to lotions and creams. When seen in this light, the molecule has the potential to alleviate arthritic and muscular discomfort. Even though edibles are a concern, the majority are produced utilizing isolates to ensure quality control throughout the process. Isolates, concentrated forms of CBD derived from the rest of the plant, have a sedative effect. They do not, however, provide the additional benefits associated with reduced inflammation.

Combining internal and external intake is sometimes the best option to aid the body’s healing process. Inflammation is addressed from the inside, while pain relief is provided outside.


The number of receptors in your body determines how much medication you should be taking. Observing and noting the internal and exterior manifestations is essential to dosing.

Inquiry into your thoughts:

  • As a human being, how do you view the world?
  • How are you getting to sleep?
  • What is the current intensity of your discomfort?
  • What about your hunger?

You should begin with a low dosage of 6-10mg and gradually raise it by 2mg per hour until you achieve your desired impact. No worries about overdosing because the body will naturally flush out any excess. Consult your doctor before using CBD if you are concerned about any adverse effects, including fatigue, diarrhea, or a decreased absorption of other drugs.

Do you know where you can get CBD?

Even though bodegas are convenient and offer a wide range of products, they are not the most incredible place to purchase CBD. Second place goes to… gas stations. The product’s quality and efficacy may be a concern.

If you are taking medicine, you should only buy CBD from establishments that can answer your inquiries, address your worries, and offer alternatives. Talk to us or better yet, come visit us in at our CBD Shop NYC in Soho.