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Avoiding Social Media During A Divorce

December 20, 2022 | Law | No Comments

Social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter have shrunk the planet. It is possible to reunite with a long-lost acquaintance, an old coworker, or even your first sweetheart using these platforms.

If you are going through a divorce, you should exercise caution when using social media. A Facebook post or a tweet can be used against you in court, potentially affecting the outcome of your case.

For example, if you publish a photo of an expensive item on your Instagram account, your claim for spousal support may be called into question. Your spouse may use that purchase against you by questioning why you need alimony if you can afford to buy expensive items.

Aside from having the capacity to influence your case, social media can also have an emotional impact on you. When you compare your condition to that of your joyful friends and relatives, you may develop unfavorable feelings about yourself.

Going through a divorce does not need you to completely shun Facebook and Twitter. To prevent jeopardizing your case, you should simply follow these guidelines:

  1. Consider your options before you click. Think twice before posting anything. Assume that the other party will misinterpret whatever post you make.
  2. Examine your list of friends and followers. Examine your social media followers to see who is likely to share your most recent post or tweet with your spouse. Remember that anyone with knowledge of anything you posted online can testify in your divorce or custody procedures.
  3. Examine your privacy settings. Check that you can restrict access to the information you share on your social network.
  4. Avoid tracking your ex on social media. It will not help you at all and may perhaps make issues worse.
  5. Finally, never give any legal advice to anyone else. Use the term “my attorney said” sparingly on Facebook or Twitter. This might potentially jeopardize your attorney-client privilege and jeopardize your divorce proceedings.

Get More Legal Information

For legal advice, contact the experienced family lawyers at Paducah Divorce Lawyers now. To make an appointment, please come to our https://paducahdivorcelawyers.com/ or call (270) 201-7776. to arrange a complimentary consultation with our staff.